Monday, September 30, 2019
Pathological gambling intervention Essay
When looking at pathological gambling we ask ourselves how someone gets to the point of addiction. In that regard there are both internal and external factors, beahior and environment related aspects leading to someone’s impulsive urge to gamble. Speaking of which, impulsivity can be a direct factor of a pathological gambler, Impulsive people are naturally more prone to gambling problems because of their nature and personality. That is not to say that all impulsive people will develop gambling habits or problems but they could if the right factors were in play at the right times. Inability to control impulses and also inability to delay gratification are two major impulsivity-related symptoms of pathological gamblers (McCormick & Taber, 1988). Other behavior factors include, coping strategies, high stress levels, family history, gender as males tend to be more prone to this affliction and â€Å"Pathological gamblers have been known to also exhibit antisocial behavior which is related to the impulse control disorder causing antisocial behavior such as exhibited in antisocial personality disorder†(Slutske et al. , 2001). The environment one grows up in Also plays a valuable role in understanding gambling. It’s a common misconception that pathological gamblers are only those that are near major casinos. That can be a tendency but in todays society technology has opened the door to universal in gambling before impossible. With computers and the internet people are now able to gamble straight from their homes on sports, online poker, etc. This boom in technology has allowed more people, from more places and economic statuses and younger ages be able to easily get involved in gambling. Our group even met a professional gambler who would have all of his bets placed on his computer before noon and then do nothing the rest of the day. Technology has extended the reach of gambling to social circles that before may have not been affected. Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling Factors Predisposing factors are what set someone up with the highest chances of being a pathological gambler. An addictive personality makes anyone more susceptible as well as having addictions or just gambling itself run in the family. A persons level of impulsivity is also a huge factor, an impulsive person is more likely to give into reckless decisions and follow the activities that give a rush sensation. Impulsive people have problems with delaying gratification making addictive and compulsive tendencies stand out. †Pathological gambling is a problem of impulse control. The more accessible gambling is, the harder it is to maintain the control. †(3) Predisposing factors can also be socioeconomic status, does one have the funds to feed the addiction, or did one one grow up in rough situations and use gambling as a crutch or coping strategy, the factors are vast and varying. Environment as brought up by the last quotation can also be a predisposing factor. Does one have access and how easily plays into an addiction. The closer one is to gambling the more likely they will partake. That used to entail how close someone was to casinos or legal areas of gambling and in many cases still does as more areas are becoming gambling friendly and more funerals pop up in for example, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Missouri, However with technology and the internet, access has become easier for all regardless, of location, sex, race, or economic status. With gambling there are different stages, stages that can reinforce the behavior because despite popular belief many gamblers are reinforced even when they don’t win. â€Å"WINNING PHASE Here the gambler is winning more than losing, has achieved a minimum of one big win. This early big win, bolsters the confidence of the gambler, causing ego to inflate, superior thinking and feeling over other participants. The gambler in this phase begins to spend more time gambling, is gambling for and with larger amounts of money. Winning streak begins to wane, losses start. LOSING PHASE In the losing phase, the gambler begins betting even larger amounts. The gambler accepts the fact that these losses are part of the game. The gambler bets on the long shots, knowing chances are not good for winning, however will pay big if win occurs. The gambler is now losing more than winning. In an attempt to gain back the money lost, the gambler spends more time gambling. Gambler must frequently lie to family, friends, employer, even casinos to convince them that the gambler is still a happy person and all around good person. Deep financial troubles begin. Using lying techniques, the gambler is able to convince employer, family, etc. , of some type of cataclysmic disaster, which requires a borrowing of large amounts of money. Soon the gambler is using this bailout to gamble more. The gambler life has now become unmanageable, family life is increasingly difficult, with deterioration occurring. DESPERATION PHASE During this phase, the majority of the gambler’s time is preoccupied with gambling on all levels. The gambler has no control over the gambling, to alleviate the inner pain, the gambler gambles, knowing the odds of wining are gone, and it does not matter. Lying is out of control. The gambler has one focus and one goal†¦get money in which to gamble with regardless of costs. Family life has deteriorated to the point of non-existence. Illegal activity is now a norm. †(paraphrased from Journal of Addictive Disorders) These phases help explain the reinforcement of pathological gambling along with more well known factor such as the adrenaline rush, the gamblers fallacy, instant gratification and payout. Enabling factors help keep a pathological gambler stuck in their ways and should be avoided as much as possible. Enabling factors can include dwelling on regrets, the focus of could’ve beens. (Pathological Gambling Resources) Looking for quick fixes for gambling addiction can also end up making the problem worse, pathological gambling is an illness that needs in depth treatment and support to be overcome, not a quickfix as those never entail the lifestyle change necessary to change an addicts life. Excluding those afflicted from normal activities or interactions as punishment or a means to help is also a counter intuitive strategy, Addicts need love and support and pushing them away may only compound upon the problem. Furthermore â€Å"Enabling is when you do anything that helps the gambler to continue with his addiction. For example, if you pay his bills for him, lend or give him money, you become an enabler. If you lie to help him cover his lies, you are an enabler. Or if you offer ultimatums in order to control his behavior, you are an enabler. Even if you in any way, directly or indirectly, make it easier for him to continue with his compulsive gambling, you are an enabler. †(Nguyen) Just like an accomplice is guilty in a murder an enabler is guilty through association. Although these may relieve the problem temporarily in some situations, it is always adding to the problem and hurting the addict. Goals And Objectives Our goals are a little more long-term related and the objectives are more specific short term goals. We are focusing more on educational endeavors for the families and friends of the afflicted as this builds the supportive environment necessary to truly help pathological gamblers. Our goals will focus on creating an increase in awareness in the Austin area of pathological gambling, it’s causes and effects, on individuals as well as the community as a whole. We want to create larger supportive environment in the community through the families and friends of the afflicted primarily through educational and awareness increase regimes. As well as provide increase in overall education on the matter for the community, even those not directly affected. As previously mnetioned these goals are broad and wide reaching. Our objectives however are more specific. We want to introduce educational, communication and family based interventions for the increase in awareness of pathological gambling. We will also work with the community and families to ensure interventions are done correctly and effectively fulfilling the needs of the afflicted and their loved ones. Finally but not least in importance we want to gain access to funding and support that will help establish effective educational based, wide reaching and successful intervention programs and learning processes.
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